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Match-Maker Database
using Dual Cosmodynes

Terms and Conditions

In order for you to join the Match-Maker Dual Cosmodynes Database, you must agree to all of the following Terms and Conditions.

* You must supply an e-mail address so that people can contact you (else why be part of this?). Your e-mail address will only be displayed on the website so that your matches may contact you if they are interested. People with whom you do not match will not see any data for other people in the database. No e-mail addresses will be sold or given to anyone else without your permission (NOTE: If you submit your name and birth data to the Match-Maker Database, you ARE giving your permission to be contacted by others in the database if they choose to).

* You understand that the program does many calculations and that it takes time to compare you with everyone of the opposite sex. Currently, the database does 10 calculations every 2 minutes (this can change depending on the load on the server).

* All users, whether they were members of the prior database or not, must register anew for access to the current database.

* You understand that there is no obligation to respond or contact anyone and Allen Edwall shall not be held liable for any reason regarding the above.

* Please understand that the user names of 'admin' and 'admin_female' are mine and I need them for test purposes. I am currently in a relationship, so am not available for 'dating'.

* Try as we all might, some birth data is entered incorrectly. No one is perfect and mistakes happen. Therefore, I advise all of you when making contact with someone, double-check their birthdate and your own to see if the calculations have been done with the correct data. All of you may download Astro123 and check the dual cosmodynes yourself (there will be very small discrepancies between the numbers in Astro123 and the numbers in the online database because each uses different means for planetary position calculations. But they will be very close, just not perfectly exact. When I find errors in the database, I manually correct them, but I cannot double-check everyone's entries. PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK.

* You agree not to make false or multiple entries in the database.

* You understand that the dual cosmodynes technique is most accurate when it has your full and accurate birth information including accurate time and place of birth data. If you do not know your time of birth, then the results are not necessarily accurate - you are on your own. But you may still make contact with others and go about relating the "old-fashioned" way.

* You agree to be respectful and considerate to all.

* You agree not to sell any of the reports found here.

* You agree not to spam or harass anyone for any reason.

* You understand that this database is set up for adults only, adults who are heterosexual, and adults not currently involved in any kind of committed relationship. We do not want any broken hearts here.

last updated - 29 June 2022

Allen Edwall

All programs copyrighted